Sponsored by “Clevedon DIY Centre”


001 (453) James Thie         Cardiff AAC                    0:19:15     

002 (456) Martin Hula        Bristol & West AC              0:19:18     

003 (476) Rod Jones          Westbury Harriers              0:19:45     

004 (350) Philip Parry       Bristol AC                     0:20:12  V40

005 (622) Martin Shore       Westbury Harriers              0:20:31     

006 (619) Mark Cowen         Exeter Harriers                0:20:38     

007 (224) Tim Wallis         Bristol & West AC              0:20:48     

008 (171) Jon James          Wells City Harriers            0:20:50  V40

009 (573) Mark Cooper        Clevedon AC                    0:20:51  V40

010 (375) Kate Reed          Bristol AC                     0:20:55 L   

011 (660) Russell Forsbrook  Cheltenham Hariers             0:21:05     

012 (004) Nick Hides         Clevedon AC                    0:21:06  V40

013 (470) Daniel Noad        Bristol & West AC              0:21:09     

014 (116) Mike Jacobs        Unattached                     0:21:19     

015 (330) Paul Sperrin       Bitton Road Runners            0:21:21  V40

016 (225) Rick Wallis        Westbury Harriers              0:21:22  V40

017 (520) Bob Creed          City Of Bath AC                0:21:23  V40

018 (002) Nick Page          Clevedon AC                    0:21:24     

019 (003) Steve Hollier      Clevedon AC                    0:21:24  V50

020 (580) John Duncan        Bristol AC                     0:21:43  V50

021 (172) Nigel Sheppard     Unattached                     0:21:46     

022 (018) Clive Richards     Clevedon AC                    0:22:02  V40

023 (558) Steve Hale         City Of Bath AC                0:22:03  V40

024 (215) David Coales       City Of Bath AC                0:22:04     

025 (689) Jason Williams     Clevedon AC                    0:22:12     

026 (613) Kevin Minty        Weston AC                      0:22:25     

027 (496) Billy Sheppard     Clevedon AC                    0:22:33     

028 (529) James Neal         S W Runners                    0:22:41     

029 (066) Paul Newman        City Of Bath AC                0:22:44  V40

030 (126) Andrew Follett     Ambassadors Health Club        0:22:46  V40

031 (031) Chris Gaze         Dursley & Dist AC              0:22:50     

032 (030) Chris Moore        Fleet AC                       0:22:52     

033 (757) Oliver Berry       Taunton AC                     0:22:55     

034 (007) Chris Vauden       Clevedon AC                    0:22:56  V40

035 (628) Chris Street       Unattached                     0:22:58  V40

036 (427) Steph Barnes       Clevedon AC                    0:22:59 L   

037 (391) Stephen Hill       Unattached                     0:23:06     

038 (356) Tom Hutchison      City Of Bath AC                0:23:07  V50

039 (141) Phil Whiting       Kendal AC                      0:23:08  V40

040 (323) John Thorpe        GWR                            0:23:09     

041 (508) Jo Webb            Westbury Harriers              0:23:10     

042 (597) Keiron Leeson      Dursley & Dist AC              0:23:10     

043 (661) Lee Southernwood   Army Athletic Association      0:23:15     

044 (457) Matthew Hall       Unattached                     0:23:18      

045 (073) Simon Hill         Bitton Road Runners            0:23:18     

046 (615) Marek Fear         Unattached                     0:23:19     

047 (586) Martin Bird        Nailsea RC                     0:23:23  V40

048 (351) Sian Monahan       Bristol AC                     0:23:24 LV40

049 (392) Matthew Evans      Unattached                     0:23:24     

050 (017) Chris Williams     Clevedon AC                    0:23:25     

051 (274) Ray Hooper         Westbury Harriers              0:23:35  V40

052 (634) David Hobba        GWR                            0:23:40     

053 (631) Analiese Heard     Lliswerry Runners              0:23:41 L   

054 (572) Mark Wilkins       Town & Country Harriers        0:23:49  V40

055 (527) Keith Harris       GWR                            0:23:59  V50

056 (413) Neil Gadd          Unattached                     0:24:10  V40

058 (372) Ray Brigden        City Of Bath AC                0:24:19  V50

059 (482) David Lippiatt     Nailsea RC                     0:24:21  V40

060 (286) Dan Nettelfield    Unattached                     0:24:21     

061 (131) Stuart Hammond     Unattached                     0:24:22  V40

062 (299) Tim Martin         Unattached                     0:24:22  V40

063 (104) Ewan Basterfield   City Of Bath AC                0:24:23  V40

064 (518) Matthew Robinson   Bristol AC                     0:24:27     

065 (493) Brian Staddon      Bitton Road Runners            0:24:29  V40

066 (087) Lee Wilkins        Unattached                     0:24:30  V40

067 (860) Martin Brasher     VE                             0:24:33  V50

068 (292) Kenton Jones       Lothian RC                     0:24:39  V40

069 (034) Phillip Oxenham    Unattached                     0:24:40     

070 (006) Neil Wallace       Clevedon AC                    0:24:41  V40

071 (352) Stephen Baxter     Weston AC                      0:24:44  V50

072 (437) James Shopland     Clevedon Rugby Club            0:24:49     

073 (472) Kevin Rawlings     Bitton Road Runners            0:24:49  V40

074 (498) David Bulley       Bitton Road Runners            0:24:52  V40

075 (614) Jenny Whitehead    Hallamshire Harriers           0:24:56 L   

076 (179) David Austin       Bristol & West AC              0:24:57     

077 (553) Alex Owen          Unattached                     0:24:58     

078 (001) Bill Atkinson      Clevedon AC                    0:25:00  V60

079 (176) Jonathon Hurford   GWR                            0:25:00  V50

080 (070) Barrie Dunn        Bitton Road Runners            0:25:06  V40

081 (194) Zina Marchant      City Of Bath AC                0:25:07 LV50

082 (336) Michael Willcox    GWR                            0:25:09  V50

083 (775) Robert Kelland     Unattached                     0:25:11  V40

084 (051) James Rodgers      Unattached                     0:25:13     

085 (053) Richard Ponsford   Unattached                     0:25:15     

086 (348) Simon Attwood      Kingswood Triathlon Club       0:25:16  V40

087 (466) Mike Lawrence      Unattached                     0:25:16  V40

088 (449) Rory Daniels       Unattached                     0:25:17     

089 (484) Christian Burge    GWR                            0:25:18     

090 (400) Andy Vickery       Unattached                     0:25:20     

091 (557) Nick Kane          Bitton Road Runners            0:25:24  V40

092 (397) Michael Solomon    Clevedon AC                    0:25:25  V40

093 (382) Viv McConnell      Bristol & West AC              0:25:28 LV40

094 (315) Clive Attwood      Westbury Harriers              0:25:29  V40

095 (227) Mark Witt          Worcester AC                   0:25:31  V40

096 (275) Mike Jillians      City Of Bath AC                0:25:32  V50

097 (383) Gary Bradshaw      Unattached                     0:25:35     

098 (475) Sean Langson       Unattached                     0:25:35     

099 (115) Paul House         Unattached                     0:25:37     

100 (490) Mike Tomes         Unattached                     0:25:40

101 (513) Paul Calabrese     Bitton Road Runners            0:25:40     

102 (446) Brendan Healy      Unattached                     0:25:43     

103 (471) Will Fear          Unattached                     0:25:44     

104 (086) Bryan Morley       Weston AC                      0:25:45     

105 (598) Chris Ashworth     Dursley & Dist AC              0:25:45  V50

106 (855) Billie Smyth       Unattached                     0:25:45  V40

107 (094) Tony Walsh         Bitton Road Runners            0:25:46  V40

108 (612) Richard Bicknell   Unattached                     0:25:50     

109 (692) Neil Maston        Unattached                     0:25:52  V40

110 (414) Matt Pitts         Unattached                     0:25:53     

111 (565) Ann Singer         Westbury Harriers              0:25:56 L   

112 (662) Natalie Curtis     Army Athletic Association      0:25:57 L   

113 (060) Martin Liddington  Bitton Road Runners            0:25:58  V40

114 (776) Phil Kelland       Unattached                     0:25:59     

115 (621) David Ricketts     Unattached                     0:26:01  V40

116 (221) Simon Brookes      Unattached                     0:26:02  V50

117 (155) Julian Bailey-Gard Westbury Harriers              0:26:06  V50

118 (543) Ronald Shannon     Bitton Road Runners            0:26:06  V40

119 (637) Mark Storey        Unattached                     0:26:08     

120 (690) Ben Burns          Unattached                     0:26:09     

121 (008) Bob Craig          City Of Bath AC                0:26:09  V60

122 (366) Robert Davenport   Unattached                     0:26:10  V40

123 (192) James Wade         Bitton Road Runners            0:26:12  V40

124 (483) Craig Stewart      Unattached                     0:26:15     

125 (113) David McLean       New Zealand Inc                0:26:16     

126 (062) David Vinicombe    Bitton Road Runners            0:26:17     

127 (154) Desmond Jones      Nailsea RC                     0:26:18  V50

128 (069) Robert Jones       Weston AC                      0:26:18     

129 (249) Alan Cattell       Exeter Harriers                0:26:20  V40

130 (538) Jason Clark        Team BTG                       0:26:21     

131 (178) Graham Crump       Bristol & West AC              0:26:22  V40

132 (165) Chris Millard      Team BTG                       0:26:23     

133 (307) Ben Whittington    Unattached                     0:26:24     

134 (762) Andrew Kirby       GWR                            0:26:28  V50

135 (039) Mike Smith         New Forest Runners             0:26:29      

136 (670) Tim Beer           Unattached                     0:26:30  V40

137 (411) David Scrutton     Unattached                     0:26:34  V40

138 (211) Tony Sperrin       Weston AC                      0:26:35  V50

139 (802) Joe Pring          Unattached                     0:26:36     

140 (592) Jason Michael      Westbury Harriers              0:26:42     

141 (230) Jim Wotton         Weston AC                      0:26:43  V40

142 (469) Peter Gray         Nailsea RC                     0:26:43  V50

143 (023) Alan Lock          Unattached                     0:26:46     

144 (452) Stuart Hayes       Unattached                     0:26:48     

145 (654) John Dill          Swindon Harriers               0:26:51  V40

146 (698) Alex Harris        Unattached                     0:26:52     

147 (195) Dennis Marchant    City Of Bath AC                0:26:54  V50

148 (462) Phil Richards      Weston AC                      0:26:55 L   

149 (676) Mark Molloy        Unattached                     0:26:56     

150 (656) Tom Gale           Unattached                     0:26:57     

151 (587) Keith Taylor       Unattached                     0:26:57  V40

152 (541) Paul Johnson       Unattached                     0:26:57  V50

153 (014) Johnathan Williams Clevedon AC                    0:26:59  V40

154 (153) Shirley Yarde      Unattached                     0:26:59 LV40

155 (800) Stuart Kirby       GWR                            0:27:00     

156 (029) Ian Ruffle         Unattached                     0:27:01     

157 (310) Nicholas Kambitis  Unattached                     0:27:03     

158 (250) Hannah Perry       Unattached                     0:27:05 L   

159 (684) Nick Stathers      Unattached                     0:27:08     

160 (766) Greg Iles          Unattached                     0:27:09  V50

161 (337) Andy Ewing         Unattached                     0:27:11  V40

162 (850) Greg Brees         Clevedon AC                    0:27:13  V40

163 (321) Nick Dyer          Unattached                     0:27:14  V40

164 (561) John Vowanthen     Unattached                     0:27:15     

165 (157) Patrick Slavin     Bitton Road Runners            0:27:15  V60

166 (177) Mark Dickinson     Bristol & West AC              0:27:16  V50

167 (277) Peter Orme         Unattached                     0:27:17  V50

168 (111) Kevin Neads        Clevedon AC                    0:27:17  V40

169 (019) Michael Richards   Clevedon AC                    0:27:18  V40

170 (057) Dave Howell        Unattached                     0:27:19     

171 (687) Allen Graham       Empire Sports                  0:27:19  V50

172 (097) Mike Nicholls      City Of Bath AC                0:27:20  V40

173 (243) Steve Thomas       Corsham Running Club           0:27:20  V50

174 (124) Chris Hume         LDWA Bristol & West            0:27:23  V50

175 (168) Tony Mason         Bitton Road Runners            0:27:25  V50

176 (139) Rosie Naish        Bro Dysinni AC                 0:27:26 LV40

177 (575) Paul Chappell      Unattached                     0:27:27  V40

178 (056) Danny Kearney      Unattached                     0:27:29     

179 (144) Nick Jarvis        Clevedon AC                    0:27:32     

180 (234) Mike Horwood       Clevedon AC                    0:27:33  V60

181 (658) Trish Robson       Westbury Harriers              0:27:33 LV40

182 (259) Declan McManus     Westbury Harriers              0:27:34  V50

183 (549) James Chandler     The Light Dragoons             0:27:34     

184 (756) Andy Copeland      Unattached                     0:27:35     

185 (854) Mike Hanson        Unattached                     0:27:36     

186 (434) Peter Skinner      Unattached                     0:27:37     

187 (147) Chris Leonard      Bitton Road Runners            0:27:39  V40

188 (478) Gary James         Nailsea RC                     0:27:40     

189 (121) Nigel Cox          AVS Tri                        0:27:41  V40

190 (102) Paul Durnell       Clevedon AC                    0:27:42     

191 (507) John Matthews      Unattached                     0:27:42     

192 (760) Simon Walsh        Weston AC                      0:27:43     

194 (123) Shirley Hume       LDWA Bristol & West            0:27:45 LV50

195 (393) Simon Bryant       Unattached                     0:27:46     

196 (669) Daniel Skicombe    Unattached                     0:27:46     

197 (633) Julie Poole        Unattached                     0:27:46 L   

198 (468) Neil Gardiner      Unattached                     0:27:47     

199 (430) Jeremy Stuckes     Unattached                     0:27:49  V40

200 (067) Peter Jones        Weston AC                      0:27:50  V40

201 (281) Paul Cann          Bitton Road Runners            0:27:52  V50

202 (694) Nick White         Tri Harder                     0:27:52     

203 (491) Geoff King         City Of Bath AC                0:27:54  V40

204 (853) Greg Styrdt        Nailsea RC                     0:27:55  V50

205 (305) Paul Bird          Unattached                     0:27:59     

206 (477) Ian Williams       Unattached                     0:28:00  V40

207 (771) Rob Fairclough     Unattached                     0:28:01  V40

208 (112) Kate George        Unattached                     0:28:01 L   

209 (132) Kevin Wood         Unattached                     0:28:02  V40

210 (270) Graham Cooper      Unattached                     0:28:03  V40

211 (494) Mark Billington    Clevedon AC                    0:28:03  V40

212 (334) Chris Kula-Przezwanski Westbury Harriers          0:28:04  V40

213 (755) William Crane      Imperial College               0:28:04     

214 (282) Sarah Morris       Unattached                     0:28:05 L   

215 (052) Colette Rudland    Thornbury RC                   0:28:07 L   

216 (162) Nick Dodridge      Bitton Road Runners            0:28:09  V40

217 (027) Robin Globe        Unattached                     0:28:12  V40

218 (526) Ian Waring         Unattached                     0:28:12  V40

219 (381) Andrew Nelson      Nailsea RC                     0:28:13  V40

220 (695) Abi White          Tri Harder                     0:28:14 L   

221 (293) Saran Jones        Lothian RC                     0:28:15 LV40

222 (054) Steve Kearnley     Unattached                     0:28:16  V40

223 (463) Kenny Yam          Weston AC                      0:28:16  V50

224 (556) David Stewart      Unattached                     0:28:17     

225 (443) Ross Phillips      Unattached                     0:28:17     

226 (497) Daniel Hawkes      Unattached                     0:28:19     

227 (169) Colin I'Anson      Unattached                     0:28:21  V40

228 (184) Roland Hobbs       Dursley & Dist AC              0:28:21  V50

229 (552) Oliver Ellis       Unattached                     0:28:22     

230 (640) Simon Talbot       Unattached                     0:28:22  V40

231 (578) Barrie Hobbs       Nailsea RC                     0:28:23     

232 (175) Paul Hawkins       BAD Tri                        0:28:23  V40

233 (251) Simon Faulkner     Unattached                     0:28:24     

234 (779) Alan Baker         Nailsea RC                     0:28:24     

235 (236) Rosamund Hughes    Unattached                     0:28:25 L   

236 (109) Alison Lucas       Bitton Road Runners            0:28:27 LV50

237 (298) James Hockridge    Unattached                     0:28:28     

238 (213) Chris Dachtler     Unattached                     0:28:29  V40

239 (445) Darren Haynes      Park Furnishers                0:28:30     

240 (657) Jonathan Newby     Unattached                     0:28:31     

241 (407) David Richards     Unattached                     0:28:32  V40

242 (217) Neil Bridle        Unattached                     0:28:32     

243 (804) Toby Andrews       Unattached                     0:28:37     

244 (500) Simon Cambridge    Unattached                     0:28:38     

245 (759) Duncan Hamilton    Unattached                     0:28:39     

246 (235) James Wilson       Unattached                     0:28:39     

247 (025) Alex Lock          Unattached                     0:28:40     

248 (852) Martin Hime        Unattached                     0:28:41  V50

249 (266) Richard  Maddock   Somer AC                       0:28:42     

250 (295) Simon Hockridge    Unattached                     0:28:45     

251 (110) Steve Cayzer       Nailsea RC                     0:28:46

252 (605) Nigel Williams     Unattached                     0:28:47  V40

253 (683) James Stathers     Unattached                     0:28:48     

254 (440) Helen Giddings     Clevedon AC                    0:28:49 LV40

255 (244) Andrew Iles        Unattached                     0:28:50  V50

256 (133) Thomas Webb        Weston AC                      0:28:52     

257 (664) Ian Burns          Unattached                     0:28:55     

258 (821) David Hughes       Avon & Somerset Police         0:28:57  V40

259 (257) Alan Cooper        VC Bristol                     0:28:58  V40

260 (287) Jon Bonner         Unattached                     0:28:58     

261 (560) Laura Thomas       Unattached                     0:29:01 L   

262 (228) Derek Seddon       Nailsea RC                     0:29:02  V50

263 (028) Joe Callaghan      Unattached                     0:29:04     

264 (663) James Brown        Unattached                     0:29:05     

265 (204) Stephen Simms      Unattached                     0:29:06     

266 (803) Paul Astle         Unattached                     0:29:08     

267 (013) Gary Powell        Clevedon AC                    0:29:11  V40

268 (530) Laura Daniel       Dark Peak                      0:29:11 L   

269 (659) Sally Driver       City Of Bath AC                0:29:13 LV40

270 (264) Matthew Davis      Royal Oakies                   0:29:14     

271 (768) Chris Freeman      Unattached                     0:29:15  V50

272 (071) Ralph Underwood    Unattached                     0:29:16  V40

273 (245) Jack Thornton      Unattached                     0:29:18     

274 (524) David Abbott       Unattached                     0:29:19  V40

275 (387) Paula Hall         Clevedon AC                    0:29:21 L   

276 (588) Richard Barnes     Road Runners                   0:29:24  V40

277 (750) Robert Breen       Unattached                     0:29:26  V50

278 (246) Steve Thornton     Unattached                     0:29:27  V40

279 (122) Yvonne Cox         Unattached                     0:29:29 LV40

280 (410) Susan Cann         Bitton Road Runners            0:29:30 LV40

281 (399) Emma Solomon       Unattached                     0:29:32 L   

282 (502) Ian Durston        Unattached                     0:29:33     

283 (344) Nikki Hind         Unattached                     0:29:34 LV40

284 (118) Rich Illingworth   Thornbury RC                   0:29:34  V50

285 (761) Steve Court        Unattached                     0:29:34  V40

286 (815) Robert Broom       Unattached                     0:29:35     

287 (495) Dave Trounce       Unattached                     0:29:35     

288 (467) David Strange      Unattached                     0:29:36     

289 (442) Richard Phillips   Thornbury RC                   0:29:36  V40

290 (499) Patrick Horler     Unattached                     0:29:37  V40

291 (604) Dan Palmer         Unattached                     0:29:37     

292 (196) Tom Macdonald      Unattached                     0:29:38     

293 (197) Duncan Macdonald   Unattached                     0:29:40     

294 (190) Jon Hart           Bristol & District Tri         0:29:40  V40

295 (627) Joanna Jay         Bristol & West AC              0:29:43 LV60

296 (038) George Colbourne   Fry Club Joggers               0:29:45  V60

297 (145) Patsy Goldstone    Unattached                     0:29:46 L   

298 (540) Chris Morse        Unattached                     0:29:47     

299 (753) Alan Crane         Clevedon Rugby Club            0:29:48  V50

300 (223) Lesley Reynolds    Unattached                     0:29:49 LV40

301 (608) Robert Milne       Unattached                     0:29:50  V40

302 (303) Gregg Stapley      Unattached                     0:29:51  V40

303 (205) Richard Simms      Unattached                     0:29:53     

304 (424) Vanessa Gould      Unattached                     0:29:57 L   

305 (302) Alistair Davie     Unattached                     0:29:58  V40

306 (101) Shara Durnell      Clevedon AC                    0:29:58 L   

307 (559) Nigel Johns        Unattached                     0:29:59  V40

308 (636) Jamie Black        Unattached                     0:30:02     

309 (589) Phil Harris        Unattached                     0:30:03

310 (384) Chris Hatwood      Unattached                     0:30:04  V40

311 (574) Nicola Chappell    Unattached                     0:30:05 L   

312 (512) Kevin Pollinger    Bitton Road Runners            0:30:06     

313 (531) Andrew Carter      Unattached                     0:30:08  V40

314 (188) Philip Ford        Bristol & West AC              0:30:09  V50

315 (084) Richard Savage     BOK                            0:30:11  V40

316 (448) Andrew Miller      Unattached                     0:30:14     

317 (085) Kim Huxtable       Unattached                     0:30:15  V50

318 (568) Lee Perrin         Unattached                     0:30:15     

319 (242) Joe Lovelock       Unattached                     0:30:16     

320 (376) Ian Alderton       Unattached                     0:30:17  V40

321 (100) Jenny Ford         Clevedon AC                    0:30:18 L   

322 (300) Philip Payne       Unattached                     0:30:18  V40

323 (098) Carl Enwright      Unattached                     0:30:19     

324 (329) Simon Hillman      Curzon FM                      0:30:20     

325 (396) Annie Frake        Unattached                     0:30:20 LV40

326 (181) Kieron Butler      Somer AC                       0:30:21     

327 (120) Ian Haydon         Unattached                     0:30:23  V40

328 (653) David Westrop      Nailsea RC                     0:30:24  V50

329 (651) Stephen Dixon      Unattached                     0:30:25     

330 (807) Chris Elliott      Unattached                     0:30:26  V40

331 (009) Shayne Ellison     Bitton Road Runners            0:30:28 LV40

332 (024) Joanne Lock        Unattached                     0:30:28 L   

333 (641) Richard Adams      Weston AC                      0:30:29  V40

334 (359) Andy Angus         Unattached                     0:30:30  V40

335 (856) Stuart Nash        Unattached                     0:30:31     

336 (537) Keith Clark        Unattached                     0:30:31  V40

337 (301) Debbie Davie       Unattached                     0:30:32 LV40

338 (304) Louise Stapley     Unattached                     0:30:32 LV40

339 (643) Jeffrey Ford       Unattached                     0:30:32  V50

340 (682) Carol Thomas       Unattached                     0:30:34 LV40

341 (647) Bill Thompson      Unattached                     0:30:34  V50

342 (685) Derek Truman       Unattached                     0:30:36  V40

343 (117) Kate Illingworth   Thornbury RC                   0:30:37 L   

344 (655) Paul Cowen         Unattached                     0:30:39     

345 (536) Iain Reid          Unattached                     0:30:40     

346 (548) Paula Holme        Unattached                     0:30:40 LV40

347 (032) Janet Gaze         Unattached                     0:30:41 LV50

348 (770) Pete Maliphant     Unattached                     0:30:42  V40

349 (542) Judy Johnson       Unattached                     0:30:43 LV50

350 (697) June Fegredo       Clevedon AC                    0:30:44 LV50

351 (447) Samantha Healy     Unattached                     0:30:44 L   

352 (142) Andre Bennett      Unattached                     0:30:44  V40

353 (125) Ashley Robertson   Unattached                     0:30:45 L   

354 (191) Colin Newnham      Unattached                     0:30:45  V40

355 (362) Gregg Poulter      Unattached                     0:30:45     

356 (273) James Childs       Unattached                     0:30:46     

357 (322) Sam Dyer           Unattached                     0:30:46     

358 (764) Tim Seaman         Unattached                     0:30:47     

359 (103) Dayton Little      Unattached                     0:30:47  V40

360 (335) Helen Kula-Przezwanski Westbury Harriers          0:30:48 LV40

361 (319) Richard Sheppard   Bitton Road Runners            0:30:48      

362 (386) Paul Crewe         Unattached                     0:30:51     

363 (623) Gordon Lewis       Unattached                     0:30:53  V50

364 (012) Neil Manners       Clevedon AC                    0:30:53  V60

365 (763) Rob Palmer         Unattached                     0:30:54     

366 (487) John Cant          Unattached                     0:30:55  V40

367 (262) Joe Norman         Geneva Hash House Harriers     0:30:56  V60

368 (180) Dean Alderman      Unattached                     0:30:57     

369 (562) Mark Volanthen     Unattached                     0:30:59     

370 (418) Neil Batchelor     Unattached                     0:31:03  V40

371 (276) Judy Orme          Unattached                     0:31:04 LV50

372 (431) Chris Studley      Unattached                     0:31:04  V40

373 (207) Matthew Gore       Unattached                     0:31:07     

374 (075) Nicole Amiri       Unattached                     0:31:09 L   

375 (806) David Bennett      Unattached                     0:31:09  V50

376 (617) Jenny Tudball      Unattached                     0:31:10 L   

377 (385) Ruth Crewe         Unattached                     0:31:10 L   

378 (044) Emma Welch         Unattached                     0:31:14 L   

379 (371) Mike Leigh         Unattached                     0:31:16  V60

380 (134) Andy King          Unattached                     0:31:17  V40

381 (198) Hamish Macdonald   Unattached                     0:31:17  V50

382 (378) Helen Lovell       Unattached                     0:31:18 L   

383 (461) Peter Cooper       Unattached                     0:31:19     

384 (474) Jerry Mills        Bristol & West AC              0:31:20  V50

385 (539) Richard Clarke     Unattached                     0:31:21     

386 (436) John Harris        Unattached                     0:31:22     

387 (851) Stuart Findlay     Clevedon AC                    0:31:22  V50

388 (829) Daniel Cooper      Unattached                     0:31:23     

389 (673) Julie Mills        Unattached                     0:31:24 LV40

390 (365) Kevin Youde        Unattached                     0:31:26  V40

391 (072) Jackie Zajac       Bitton Road Runners            0:31:27 L   

392 (672) David Colling      Unattached                     0:31:37  V40

393 (688) Jayne Duckett      Unattached                     0:31:38 LV40

394 (504) Julie Hearse       Unattached                     0:31:38 LV40

395 (309) Kathleen Paul      Unattached                     0:31:39 L   

396 (693) Paul Gomm          Unattached                     0:31:41     

397 (343) Andy Hind          Unattached                     0:31:44  V40

398 (199) Eugene Dunn        Unattached                     0:31:45     

399 (239) Tony Hack          Unattached                     0:31:45  V50

400 (338) David Clinton      Unattached                     0:31:46  V50

401 (679) Peter Evans        Unattached                     0:31:46  V50

402 (579) Simon Chadwick     Unattached                     0:31:47  V40

403 (858) Vic Sprake         Unattached                     0:31:48  V40

404 (355) Richard King       Unattached                     0:31:49  V40

405 (564) Jude Gamblin       Unattached                     0:31:49 L   

406 (563) Annabel Volanthen  Unattached                     0:31:50 L    

407 (772) Stephen Chapman    Unattached                     0:31:50  V50

408 (361) Richard Tilling    Unattached                     0:31:51     

409 (082) Jim Stewart        Nailsea RC                     0:31:51  V50

410 (600) David Smart        Unattached                     0:31:52  V40

411 (127) Michael Nichols    Ambassadors Health Club        0:31:53     

412 (272) Carly Miller       Unattached                     0:31:54 LV40

413 (432) Kevin Daniels      Clevedon AC                    0:31:57  V50

414 (547) Amy Weetch         Unattached                     0:32:00 L   

415 (822) Sarah Andrews      Sole Sisters                   0:32:01 L   

416 (369) Catherine Fagg     Unattached                     0:32:01 LV50

418 (208) James Wills        Unattached                     0:32:02     

419 (646) Anthony Northwood  Unattached                     0:32:03     

420 (599) Mike Graham        Bitton Road Runners            0:32:04  V40

421 (521) Zoe Davies         Bristol & West AC              0:32:05 L   

422 (616) John Cutler        Nailsea RC                     0:32:05     

423 (444) Jade Phillips      Unattached                     0:32:06 L   

424 (602) Aimee Davies       Bristol & West AC              0:32:06 L   

425 (331) David Perkins      Westbury Harriers              0:32:06  V60

426 (857) Tracey McCrum      Unattached                     0:32:07 L   

427 (379) Martin Ford        Unattached                     0:32:07  V60

428 (459) Jenny Hutchison    City Of Bath AC                0:32:09 L   

429 (114) John Parker        BOK                            0:32:10  V60

430 (805) Alison Plews       Unattached                     0:32:12 LV40

431 (394) Ron Moncrieff      Unattached                     0:32:13  V50

432 (652) Harvey Keen        Unattached                     0:32:14  V50

433 (202) Neil Holbrook      Unattached                     0:32:15     

434 (200) Juliet Davies      Unattached                     0:32:16 LV40

435 (486) Mary Nutley        Unattached                     0:32:17 LV40

436 (377) Ted Lovell         Unattached                     0:32:18     

437 (681) Elliot Kidner      Unattached                     0:32:18     

438 (186) Glyn Thomas        Unattached                     0:32:20     

439 (108) Andrew Gaisford    Unattached                     0:32:22     

440 (222) Tim Reynolds       Unattached                     0:32:23  V40

441 (077) Mark Baker         Bitton Road Runners            0:32:26     

442 (809) Stephen Jenkins    Fry Club Joggers               0:32:27  V50

443 (042) Rosemary Fear      Fry Club Joggers               0:32:29 LV50

444 (151) Michael Luckwell   Bristol Cycling Dev. Squad     0:32:29  V50

445 (577) Steve Webb         Unattached                     0:32:30     

446 (271) Stuart Miller      Unattached                     0:32:33  V40

447 (313) Elizabeth Coates   Nailsea RC                     0:32:33 L   

448 (778) Mike Hutton        Nailsea RC                     0:32:34  V40

449 (665) Jules Smailes      Unattached                     0:32:34 LV40

450 (015) Gordan Harvey      Clevedon AC                    0:32:35  V60

451 (161) Faye Dicker        Unattached                     0:32:35 L   

452 (570) Mark Jarrett       Unattached                     0:32:36  V40

453 (422) Carol Gould        Unattached                     0:32:36 LV50

454 (055) Sarah Kearney      Unattached                     0:32:37 L   

455 (253) Peter Clark        Unattached                     0:32:38  V50

456 (554) Mary Revet         Bitton Road Runners            0:32:39 LV50

457 (752) Michael Bradford   Unattached                     0:32:39  V50

458 (514) Nick Sargent       Unattached                     0:32:40  V50

459 (523) Mark Whitham       Unattached                     0:32:44  V40

460 (522) Hannah Raferty     Unattached                     0:32:45 L   

461 (517) Emma Smart         Nailsea RC                     0:32:47 LV40

462 (238) Trevor Thompson    GWR                            0:32:52  V50

463 (505) Jackie Foster      Unattached                     0:32:53 LV40

464 (232) Amanda Jones       RRC                            0:32:54 L   

465 (045) Stella Payne       Unattached                     0:32:56 LV40

466 (040) Andie Smith        New Forest Runners             0:32:58  V40

467 (278) Martin Williams    Unattached                     0:32:59  V40

468 (601) Roger Grunyer      Unattached                     0:33:00  V50

469 (567) Paul Spiller       Unattached                     0:33:01     

470 (782) Sarah Bailey       Unattached                     0:33:02 L   

471 (781) John Bailey        Unattached                     0:33:03  V40

472 (083) Rebecca Ludlam     Unattached                     0:33:04 L   

473 (226) Kerry Mclean       Unattached                     0:33:05 L   

474 (173) Duncan Taylor      Kingswood Tri                  0:33:09  V40

475 (678) Matthew Smart      Unattached                     0:33:09     

476 (620) Anwar Chouglay     Unattached                     0:33:10  V40

477 (516) Rebecca Knight     Unattached                     0:33:11 L   

478 (635) Roger Spearing     Unattached                     0:33:12  V40

479 (629) Nick Mattock       Unattached                     0:33:13  V50

480 (367) Paul Green         Unattached                     0:33:13  V40

481 (816) Ian Bell           Unattached                     0:33:14  V40

482 (256) Russel Boon        VC Bristol                     0:33:15     

483 (263) Martin Davis       Royal Oakies                   0:33:15  V50

484 (189) Andrew McConachie  Open Water Runners             0:33:16  V50

485 (441) Emma Durston       Unattached                     0:33:17 L   

486 (492) Stuart Bolton      Unattached                     0:33:19  V50

487 (774) Stephen Kennedy    Unattached                     0:33:20     

488 (026) Fiona Callaghan    Unattached                     0:33:24 LV40

489 (696) Angela Moore       Unattached                     0:33:27 L   

490 (777) Zak Garratt        Unattached                     0:33:27      

491 (812) Tracey Garrett     Unattached                     0:33:35 L   

492 (416) Clair McGairy      Clevedon AC                    0:33:37 L   

493 (417) Lee Palmer         Clevedon AC                    0:33:44     

494 (546) Sharon Sherborne   Nailsea RC                     0:33:45 L   

495 (370) Christopher Brown  Unattached                     0:33:45  V40

496 (158) Andy Toller        Unattached                     0:33:49 L   

497 (152) Alan Follett       Ambassadors Health Club        0:33:50  V60

498 (020) Denis Fleming      Clevedon AC                    0:33:51  V70

499 (783) Mark Holding       Unattached                     0:33:51  V40

500 (426) Rennie Gould       Unattached                     0:33:52  V40

501 (203) Mark Vaughan       Unattached                     0:33:52  V40

502 (327) Ann Salter         Unattached                     0:33:54 L   

503 (353) Gerald Fotheringham Unattached                    0:33:55     

504 (390) George Laine       Westbury Harriers              0:33:56  V40

505 (093) Adrian Trebble     City Of Bath AC                0:33:56     

506 (610) Mandy Gill         Unattached                     0:33:57 L   

507 (419) Dristan Orange     Unattached                     0:33:57     

508 (022) Vanessa Lock       Unattached                     0:34:00 LV50

509 (314) Mary Oxley         Unattached                     0:34:00 LV50

510 (773) Toby Candle        Unattached                     0:34:01     

511 (438) Dale Ford          Unattached                     0:34:01  V40

512 (666) Jackie Gilbert     Unattached                     0:34:06 LV40

513 (545) Graham Hogg        Unattached                     0:34:06  V40

514 (544) Janine Hogg        Unattached                     0:34:07 LV40

515 (488) Michael Smith      Unattached                     0:34:07  V40

516 (159) Peter Treasure-Smith Unattached                   0:34:08  V40

517 (814) Tim Vickers        Unattached                     0:34:09  V50

518 (555) Alexandra Sandoe   Unattached                     0:34:14 L   

519 (506) Paul Harnden       Unattached                     0:34:15     

520 (668) Alan Sandy         Unattached                     0:34:16     

521 (667) Guy Bates          Unattached                     0:34:22     

522 (187) Ian Whitehead      Unattached                     0:34:23     

523 (140) Doug Whiting       RRC                            0:34:24  V70

524 (473) John Harvey        Unattached                     0:34:25     

525 (420) Penny Holmes       Unattached                     0:34:28 LV40

526 (357) Stella Naish       Unattached                     0:34:32 L   

527 (358) Milly Stowell      Unattached                     0:34:34 LV40

528 (318) Patricia Sheppard  Bitton Road Runners            0:34:35 LV50

529 (569) Sophie Sauson      Unattached                     0:34:35 L   

530 (218) Paula Gould        Nailsea RC                     0:34:36 L   

531 (167) Nicola Rowles      Unattached                     0:34:37 L   

532 (265) Michael Slade      Thornbury Running Club         0:34:38  V50

533 (201) Dan Davies         Unattached                     0:34:39     

534 (088) Linda Rockett      Unattached                     0:34:40 L   

535 (146) Samantha Hobbs     Unattached                     0:34:41 L    

536 (528) Paul Vickers       Unattached                     0:34:42  V40

537 (458) Jo Hutchison       Unattached                     0:34:43 L   

538 (828) Jane Rolls         Unattached                     0:34:44 LV40

539 (827) Steve Rolls        Unattached                     0:34:44  V40

540 (535) Emma Reid          Unattached                     0:34:44 L   

541 (241) Martin Reid        Unattached                     0:34:45  V50

542 (107) James Gaisford     Unattached                     0:34:45     

543 (534) Richard Hine       Unattached                     0:34:46     

544 (037) Alan Draper        Unattached                     0:34:46     

545 (465) Samantha Lawrence  Unattached                     0:34:47 L   

546 (618) Martin Watson      Nailsea RC                     0:34:47  V50

547 (606) Cathryn Richards   Unattached                     0:34:47 L   

548 (624) David Neale        Unattached                     0:34:48  V50

549 (583) Emma Ducker        Unattached                     0:34:48 L   

550 (373) Gerard Ibal        Unattached                     0:34:49  V40

551 (435) Andrew Bishop      Unattached                     0:34:50  V40

552 (258) Theresa Williams   Unattached                     0:34:50 LV40

553 (089) Lisa Button        Unattached                     0:34:51 L   

554 (311) Simon Smith        Unattached                     0:34:51     

555 (312) Natalie Trubridge  Unattached                     0:34:52 L   

556 (429) Margaret Kitcherside Clevedon AC                  0:34:52 LV50

557 (291) Cheryl  Atherton   Unattached                     0:34:53 L   

558 (289) Sarah Fowler       Unattached                     0:34:54 L   

559 (290) David Fowler       Unattached                     0:34:57     

560 (360) David Eabry        Unattached                     0:34:58     

561 (611) Simon Targett      US                             0:34:58     

562 (479) Jean Becford       Unattached                     0:34:59 LV50

563 (480) George Salmon      Weston AC                      0:35:01  V60

564 (675) Angela Hargett     Corsham RC                     0:35:04 LV40

565 (566) Rachel Mattock     Unattached                     0:35:07 L   

566 (550) John Battersby     MDC                            0:35:11  V60

567 (148) Peter Bateman      Bitton Road Runners            0:35:12     

568 (644) Tom Kewell         Unattached                     0:35:15     

569 (590) Jon Harris         Unattached                     0:35:15     

570 (328) Mark Adams         Curzon FM                      0:35:15     

571 (582) Catherine Simons   Unattached                     0:35:16 L   

572 (671) Tony Donkin        Unattached                     0:35:16     

573 (296) Anne Hockridge     Unattached                     0:35:17 LV50

574 (294) Cathryn Hockridge  Unattached                     0:35:18 L   

575 (464) Melanie Lawrence   Unattached                     0:35:19 LV40

576 (320) Hugh Soper         Unattached                     0:35:20  V60

577 (415) Anne Carpenter     Unattached                     0:35:20 LV40

578 (642) Wendy Pearce       Unattached                     0:35:31 LV40

579 (324) Catherine Kemplay  Unattached                     0:35:32 LV40

580 (206) Lucy Wills         Unattached                     0:35:34 L   

581 (510) Philip Daniels     Unattached                     0:35:36  V50

582 (450) Simon Norman       Unattached                     0:35:36  V40

583 (751) Graham Scorey      GWR                            0:35:37  V50

584 (820) David Reece        Unattached                     0:35:39  V50

585 (041) James Fear         Fry Club Joggers               0:35:47  V50

586 (551) Richard Nuell      Unattached                     0:35:50  V50

587 (882) Mike Baker         Bristol & West AC              0:35:50  V50

588 (571) Mike Viney         Nailsea RC                     0:35:51  V40

589 (340) Andrew Smith       Unattached                     0:35:52  V50

590 (576) Paul Gregory       Unattached                     0:35:52  V40

591 (680) Roger Hawley       Unattached                     0:35:58  V60

592 (398) Catherine Solomon  Unattached                     0:35:59 L   

593 (648) Graham Taylor      Unattached                     0:36:01  V50

594 (767) Mary-Ann Iles      Unattached                     0:36:02 LV50

595 (182) Mike Butler        Somer AC                       0:36:04  V60     

596 (135) Iwan Bourton       Unattached                     0:36:05     

597 (137) Ian Mackenzie      Unattached                     0:36:08  V50

598 (136) Rachael Mackenzie  Unattached                     0:36:09 L   

599 (164) Peter McEllin      Unattached                     0:36:13  V60

600 (079) Sheila Baker       Burnham on Sea Harriers        0:36:19 LV50

601 (765) Deborah Barnes     Unattached                     0:36:24 LV40

602 (105) Susan Strachan     Unattached                     0:36:33 L   

603 (267) Toni Hayward       Unattached                     0:36:33 L   

604 (609) Kerry Iles         Unattached                     0:36:38 L   

605 (481) Ian Stewart        Unattached                     0:36:42  V50

606 (036) Sharon Palmer      Unattached                     0:36:44 L   

607 (525) Laura Abbott       Unattached                     0:36:46 LV40

608 (503) John Durston       Unattached                     0:36:49  V60

609 (247) Janet Cattell      Unattached                     0:36:52 LV40

610 (460) Dawn Doughty       Unattached                     0:36:55 L   

611 (859) John Sampson       Unattached                     0:36:57  V40

612 (887) Stephen Coleman    Westbury Harriers              0:37:00  V40     

613 (819) John Smith         Cardiff AC                     0:37:04

614 (912) Paul Brown         Bristol & West AC              0:37:09    

615 (810) Stephen Beer       Unattached                     0:37:12     

616 (811) Jade Beer          Unattached                     0:37:12 L   

617 (813) Rachael Amphlett   Unattached                     0:37:15 L   

618 (593) Paul Bowler        Unattached                     0:37:17     

619 (691) Richard Smith      Unattached                     0:37:18  V50

620 (401) Jeanette Cook      Unattached                     0:37:20 L   

621 (403) Kelly Smith        Unattached                     0:37:21 L

622 (404) Michael Smith      Unattached                     0:37:23     

623 (428) Brian Hillard      Unattached                     0:37:24  V60

624 (090) Sue Jones          Unattached                     0:37:26 LV40

625 (349) Steve Morgan       Unattached                     0:37:27  V40

626 (279) Sarah Mason        Unattached                     0:37:29 LV40

627 (485) Kate Bradford      Unattached                     0:37:30 LV40

628 (220) Carole Brookes     Unattached                     0:37:31 LV50

629 (156) Sandra Bailey-Gard Westbury Harriers              0:37:32 LV50

630 (280) Malcolm Wilkins    LDWA Bristol & West            0:37:34  V60

631 (632) Garry Mill         Bristol City Fitness Club      0:37:35  V50

632 (754) Lucy Crane         Unattached                     0:37:37 L   

633 (780) Carole Grainger    Unattached                     0:37:38 LV40

634 (532) Jenny Line         Unattached                     0:37:39 L   

635 (533) Jack Line          Unattached                     0:37:39     

636 (374) Wendy Reed         Unattached                     0:37:40 LV50

637 (433) Robert Bullock     Unattached                     0:37:41  V60

638 (364) Mike Vowles        Unattached                     0:37:41  V50

639 (332) Sarah Davey        Unattached                     0:37:43 L   

640 (047) Paula Caygill      Unattached                     0:37:44 L   

641 (645) Maria Kidner       Unattached                     0:37:46 L   

642 (076) Mandy Baker        Bitton Road Runners            0:37:47 L   

643 (700) Emma Hunt          Unattached                     0:37:48 L   

644 (699) Andy Hunt          Unattached                     0:37:49  V50

645 (801) Helen Haskell      Unattached                     0:37:50 L   

646 (380) Deborah Harvey     Unattached                     0:37:57 L   

647 (584) Jackie Huxtable    Unattached                     0:37:59 LV40

648 (585) Jamie Huxtable     Unattached                     0:38:02     

649 (254) Steven Windsor     Unattached                     0:38:03     

650 (626) Roger Windsor      Unattached                     0:38:03  V60

651 (677) Harry Hart         Unattached                     0:38:04     

652 (454) Andy Bartlett      Unattached                     0:38:05  V40

653 (808) Janet Jenkins      Fry Club Joggers               0:38:06 LV40

654 (826) Hannah Green       Unattached                     0:38:06 L   

655 (326) Janet Hartnoll     Unattached                     0:38:15 LV40

656 (341) Myles Podmore      Unattached                     0:38:21  V40

657 (011) Vicky Hollier      Clevedon AC                    0:38:30 LV40

658 (439) Alison Ford        Unattached                     0:38:33 L   

659 (639) Jade Moore         Unattached                     0:38:34 L   

660 (412) Deborah Gadd       Unattached                     0:38:34 L   

661 (138) David Bailey       Serpentine RC                  0:38:41  V60

662 (043) Audrey Butler      GWR                            0:38:42 LV60

663 (630) Anthony Passey     Road Runners                   0:38:51  V60

664 (149) Rebecca  Hanney    Unattached                     0:38:51 L   

665 (255) Stephanie Callaghan Unattached                    0:38:54 L   

666 (406) Tim Stark          Unattached                     0:38:55     

667 (650) Richard Taylor     Unattached                     0:38:56     

668 (649) Paul Taylor        Unattached                     0:38:57     

669 (509) Sarah Webb         Unattached                     0:38:58 LV50

670 (050) Andrea Beetles     Womens Running Network         0:39:02 L   

671 (686) Nikki Hale         Unattached                     0:39:06 LV40

672 (333) Joanne Langford    Unattached                     0:39:09 L   

673 (581) David Meisner      Unattached                     0:39:23  V40

674 (451) Roger Smith        Unattached                     0:39:25  V40

675 (638) John Wilkins       Unattached                     0:39:28  V70

676 (261) Nicola Player      Unattached                     0:39:29 LV40

677 (260) Mark Player        Unattached                     0:39:35  V50

678 (625) David Windsor      Unattached                     0:39:36     

679 (395) Alison Weeks       Unattached                     0:39:40 L   

680 (594) Sarah Jones        Unattached                     0:39:55 L   

681 (595) Maxine Simons      Unattached                     0:40:05 L   

682 (388) Joanne Chilcott    Unattached                     0:40:08 L   

683 (268) Alison Shepherd    Unattached                     0:40:11 LV40

684 (214) Joanne Williams    Unattached                     0:40:12 L   

685 (591) Emily Kidner       Unattached                     0:40:18 L   

686 (354) Chris Coupe        Unattached                     0:40:18  V50

687 (049) Caroline Giles     Unattached                     0:40:18 L   

688 (048) Sara Sheppard      Unattached                     0:40:19 L   

689 (769) Kate Maliphant     Unattached                     0:40:26 LV40

690 (252) Linda Clark        Unattached                     0:40:38 LV40

691 (046) Natalie Viney      Unattached                     0:40:39 L   

692 (758) Sandra Horton      Unattached                     0:40:42 L   

693 (423) Trudi Richards     Unattached                     0:40:43 L   

694 (749) Paul Lewis         Unattached                     0:40:45     

695 (501) Richard Hale       Unattached                     0:40:45  V40

696 (408) Melanie Redman     Unattached                     0:40:46 L   

697 (269) Helen Cooper       Unattached                     0:40:47 L   

698 (511) Glynn Hickman      Unattached                     0:40:48  V40

699 (288) Claire Hurley      Unattached                     0:40:50 L   

700 (010) Keith Berry        Unattached                     0:41:07  V50

701 (489) Anna Snow          Unattached                     0:41:19 L   

702 (064) Penny Burns        Unattached                     0:41:33 LV40

703 (065) Stephen Burns      Unattached                     0:41:34  V40

704 (421) Linda Carson       Unattached                     0:41:44 LV40

705 (284) Maxine Read        Langport Runners               0:41:45 L   

706 (283) Mark Chandler      Langport Runners               0:41:47  V40

707 (515) Jack Sargent       Unattached                     0:41:57     

708 (368) Stephen Green      Unattached                     0:42:04     

709 (818) Eleanor Bell       Unattached                     0:42:11 L   

710 (817) Sheila Bell        Unattached                     0:42:12 LV40

711 (861) Anna Brown         Unattached                     0:42:31 LV40

712 (160) John Dicker        Unattached                     0:42:36  V50

713 (603) Neil Davies        Bristol & West AC              0:42:38  V40

714 (784) Martine Halley     Unattached                     0:42:39 LV50

715 (092) Amanda Trebble     City Of Bath AC                0:42:53 L   

716 (824) Jane Smith         Unattached                     0:49:45 LV40

717 (825) Yvonne Powell      Unattached                     0:49:45 LV40

718 (455) Chris Green        Unattached                     0:51:20



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