Image Title : Guess who? Part of the Generic Photos photo gallery.
Photo Captions
?? : "Bloody hell!!"
Admirer : "Who would have thought this wierdo would turn out to be a highly respected Ironman!"
Kit Stokes : "Is It Phil Williams ??"
Speedking : "Could be Rob's other half.."
RM : "i'll have whatever he's on"
After they were famous : "After quiting the Generation Game Mr Grayson fell on hard times. Some say he never recovered."
The real Kit Stokes : "Is it Tine Turner after her bust up with Ike??"
Jon MacKinnon : "could it be...? oh my god it is,back in the day when he looked good!!PETER JONES in his hayday,to atract the sheep he had his lovely curly mane."
Ozzy osbourne : "How did you get hold of that picture of my mum!?! I thought i threw it away ages ago."
Justin Time : "I will have nightmares for weeks now i've seen that picture of your mum!"