please can you add us to the lvm draw. I'll bring both our reject cover letters to intervals tomorrow night.
We've both ran before
London Marathon ballot entries (not in order)
Not run London before: Shane Connolly, Charlotte Oliver, James Wotton, Bex Vaughan, Luke Fielder, Steve Burton, Bobbie Swift, Sue Dyer, Michelle Lynam, Andy Hogg, Kie Booth, Shan McCarthy, John Cunningham, Toby Norman, Bill Green, Mike Smith, Rob Stokes, Pete Watkins, Jon Brock, James Davies, Kate Wilson, Lisa Acton, Mark Bowskill, Vanessa Hudson, Pete Stacey, Julie Monaghan, Carol Howell, Julie Bailiss, Kathy Lucas, Sheryl Selway, Jason Wyatt, Kelly Harris, Rachael Vincent, Gen Drinkwater.
Run London before. Jim Wotton, Amy Badman, Kate Rossiter, Paul Cousins, Michelle Miles, Shaleen Summers, Nick Cook, Sam Buzza, Ben Groom, Lesley Bowskill, Paul Hudson, Emma Chesney, Rob Osment, Rachel Hedges,
If you have been missed please let me know by 12:00 am tomorrow
Monday 09 December 2019
Lesley. Your vet category has now been amended. Will let you know if the Buff turns up.
Big thanks to all the Marshalls yesterday. We have had a message from a competitor and I wonder if anyone can help:
"At the end of the first loop I passed my jacket to a marshal but couldn’t find it at the end. If someone hands it in or reports it I’d be very grateful! It’s a karrimor blue wind lightweight jacket with orange zips and had half a packet of haribo and a berocca energy packet in the pocket."
Just wanted to say thanks to the organisers and all the helpers for an almost perfect Cracker yesterday. Now if you could just turn the wind down a bit next year ...
Merr Christmas to all. Phil
Sunday 08 December 2019
Hi. I very much enjoyed the run today. Lovely, friendly marshals and the bad weather held off until the afternoon. Thank you to everyone involved in providing the event.
I have a couple of points:
1. My age category is shown as V40 but I should be V60 - the female is correct. Please can this be corrected?
2. Near Uphill, I lost my black buff, black with a multi coloured pattern. I wonder if it has been handed in?
Many thanks
Congratulations to all the runners who braved the strong cold winds to compete in our Christmas Cracker races today.
A big thank you to everyone who came and helped make the race happen. A huge team of marshals both inside race HQ and outside on the course did an amazing job in challenging conditions. For those out on the course it was a very cold job and must have been really difficult. I have received many positive comments and thanks from runners to you all.
No matter how small or large the role you played it was all very important in making it a safe and enjoyable race for the 2000+ runners.
A job very well done. Thank you.
Friday 06 December 2019
OI OI Wacers. If you wish to take part in my annual prediction competition. Bring me £2 for your chance to have first pick. I will be at Not Cracker tomorrow & by the Pier on Sunday, or message me. Who wil take Helen D's coveted title for 2020? PBx
Saturday 23 November 2019
CLUB KIT HAS LANDED-------- could Yvie Bones, Lesley Bowskill, Dawn Mellish, Emily Eades, Yvonne Rogers and Victoria Wilkins (?) please collect their orders, I'm happy if you wish to collect from my home at your convenience. 93,Spring Hill, Worle BS22 9BB. 07895035437
Cheers DAVE.
Friday 22 November 2019
Congratulations to all the runners who competed in our races last night. A wet and cold evening made it unpleasant for all our marshals who did a great job as usual. Without their help we would not have a race. Good to see all the juniors back and running in our newly formatted races. Thanks to the team who made it all happen.
Thursday 21 November 2019
Hi Everyone, missed the Christmas Cracker deadline and was just planning making my christmas tree outfit lol
anyone got a transfer(reimbursed of course) possible? ty
Saturday 16 November 2019
1. Started first run, 1983 December with 25 runners at .30 pence entrance fee and one lap of complete Promenade 4.2 miles ( Tropicana start to Sanatorium out to lifeboat shop and back to Trop Finish).
1985 November 67 entrants at a increase fee of .50 pence entrance, with some WAC names you may know, Steve Baxter, Tony Roper, Ian Carpenter, Ken Clarke, Pete Bartlett & Shaun Callaghan (Athletico), Barry Collins, Paul James, Dave Maloy, Andy Salter, J&D. Millikin, S. Ratcliffe, Sally Williams, Linda Bailey, K. Johnston, I. Davies, Bob Morris, Vince ?, Neil Hood, Roger Hart, Phil Hemming, R. Stone, N. Yorkas, R O. Fisher and Paul & Martin Davies. Over a third (25) of Weston AC runners made up the race. But--------- by
3. 1998 February with numbers falling to 29 entries, although with this time the whole family of 'Old's' attending Gord, Steve & Chris racing, while Jude was helping along with some fresh names to the run Andrew Norville, Stuart Hancock, David Hack, M. Matthews and Liam Prowright supporting the usual (9) Club members.
As organiser it was getting to the stage whether to continue with the monthly runs but with full support from all the runners and Tropicana staff at the time (no fees) we moved forward.
Came across these self entry forms while having a sort out, note, no Wyvern RR. in those days.
Wednesday 13 November 2019
Hi If anyone has a place in the cracker run and you can’t make it I would be happy to buy it from you. Please contact Sandra Cadwallader 0n 07855693387 . Kr Sandra
Thursday 07 November 2019
1st December 2019
This annual event has been cancelled for this year only, due simply to safety reasons, currently both Janet and I are hobbling around, one with a fractured ankle (me) and the other (Janet) awaiting a hip replacement. For example a minor slip in a crowded kitchen with very hot dishes etc could lead to a serious outcome. Therefor I'm confident you will understand my concerns, but I can assure you with my band of regular volunteers we can all look forward to a social run and full English breakfast around this time next year, as we will be back.
President DAVE.
I have two entries available for the Christmas Cracker this year as myself and my partner are now unable to make it. Please let me know if you would like one or both!
Monday 04 November 2019
I'm getting a order up together, if your want anything ( Hoodie, Zoodie, Jacket, Cap or Sports Bag )now is the time, especially as Christmas is close. Remember it's money up front,
and should you wish to pay direct.
Our bank details ; HSBC , A/c 61100432, Sort Code 40-46-18,
Please include your name and also drop me a note with size.
Cheers DAVE.
Wednesday 30 October 2019
Hi there. Would anyone like a plake in the Sodbury Slog this year? Due to injury, I am unable to run it.
Many thanks.
Friday 25 October 2019
Congratulations to all the athletes who competed in our prom races last night. As always a big thank you to all those members and friends who turned out to help make it happen. Special thanks to all the team who have worked hard to allow us to bring the junior race back to life. A great job!
Sunday 13 October 2019
MENDIP MUDDLE - thank you to everyone who made today’s race such a success. It was great muddy fun running it and great to have so much encouragement from our excellent marshals all the way round. Not sure my trainers will be dry in time for the Stagger mind.
Saturday 12 October 2019
All eyes on the attempt to break 2 hours in the marathon this morning 7.15-9.15 - RED button!!
Wednesday 09 October 2019
Hello, when will the points for September's prom run be added to the Championship results? Thanks.
Sunday 06 October 2019
If you did not watch the marathon last night you missed a gutsy run from Callum Hawkins. Incredibly closing stages from the scottish athlete. He so deserved a medal
Friday 04 October 2019
I have now updated all results that I had to hand
If any one has been missed out
Please get back to Me
Email as above
Wednesday 25 September 2019
Message from our friends at the hospice
It’s the hospice’s 30th anniversary year in 2019, and one of the events we have planned is a birthday celebration night on October 19. This is a little different from most of our events in that it’s not designed as a fundraiser; rather, it is a celebration of the hospice’s 30 years to which we’re inviting staff, volunteers, and supporters.
We’re acutely aware of the magnificent support which WAC gives to the hospice each year, through the Christmas Cracker and support and participation in our own events. If anyone from the club is keen to attend, we’d love to see them there.
For background info, although this is a ticketed event at Cadbury House, the tickets are priced to cover costs, rather than to make a profit; we want the event to be as accessible as possible for those who would like to come, and so it’s first and foremost a celebration rather than a fundraiser.
The cost per ticket is just £30, which includes a glass of fizz on arrival, a three-course dinner and coffee, live music from the Lipinski Band, and then a DJ to ensure the party continues until late. It promises to be a really special occasion and a lot of fun. I’m sure your members would enjoy the evening, whether they came along in small numbers or opted to organise a bigger group.
Prior to now, tickets have been offered to staff and volunteers, but we do plan to share info about the event with the public shortly. However, we were keen to give WAC an advance heads-up, as tickets will be allocated on a first come, first served basis – so do please let me know if you or any of your members are keen, as we’d love to see you there.
Saturday 21 September 2019
World Athletics Championships timetable:
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