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Adrian Marshall - Taunton Half Marathon 2004
Image Title : Adrian Marshall - Taunton Half Marathon 2004
Date Taken : 04 April 2004
Part of the
Taunton Marathon 2004 photo gallery.
Photo Captions
The Cripple :
I want a stewards enquiry."AP :
Are you sure we half marathoners only go around the once, as one chap has just started his second lap !!!!!"Robin :
'Does this bus go to the the finish-line, by any chance?' "mystery designer :
Im here to enrol for the BANG BUS!!"im fit you know :
look i want my chocolate cake and i want it know. so sod this twit who's not entered and winning, i dont care, im hungry."Please login to use this function
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Adrian MarshallPlease login to use this function