Image Title : Strawberry Line Run 2004 Date Taken : 15 July 2004 Part of the Strawberry Line Run photo gallery.
Photo Captions
monday night club : "what have eric the penguin and winnie the poo got in common?,i dont know can i phone a thats ruths pint,just to prove were not sat on out own!."
Rhymes with pear : "Thing is mate, when they all voted we was putting rubbish on the notice board I was gutted but couldnt put my hand up....yep know what you mean mate"
yea right : "seen anyone you fancy steve?no,me neither,time to go then."
PQ : "The Monday Night Club AGM"
PQ : "Look Steve, I know you really want to phone them, but I don't think either Phil or Bob will want to join the Monday Night Club!"
GWR : "two old buffers,sat by two old puffers."
h : "the bloke on the right is a soulmate and a brillant friend."