I wonder if you can help me please.
I work on behalf of the Birth Defects Foundation and we have just had 22 runners take part in the London 10K. It was a wonderful event and hopefully we will have raised quite a lot of money from it.
As a member of a running club, I was wondering whether you have any runners who would do a sponsored run for us over the coming months.
No doubt a number of your runners have children. Our charity is committed to bringing health to babies by doing research aimed at preventing, treating, and improving understanding of birth defects of all kinds. We also run a national Here to Help service which is manned by trained nurses. We recognise and respond to the very special needs of people who have a child with a birth defect, are concerned about having a child with a birth defect, or are themselves affected by a birth defect. Given that one in five babies born in the UK have some kind of birth defect, our cause may touch a number of your members.
Also, you may have a clubhouse or pub that you use and during a social evening may wish to raise some money for us ie a quiz night, a darts/skittles or may just want to have a collecting can at that venue.
It would be wonderful if you or your members could help.
If you would like to have some literature from me please do not hesitate to let me know. You can however go to
www.newlifeaction.co.uk to find out more about us and the fabulous work that is done.
Please call me on 01543 468 888 or 07970 184 654 if you have some runners or feel you can help in any way. I will happily supply Tshirts and sponsorship forms if needed for any event.
Many thanks.
Sarah Rouse,Fundraising and Appeal Co-ordinator, The Birth Defects Foundation, Regd Charity Number 1001817